Build log date: Sunday, January 04, 2004
The plans say to trim 5/8 inch off the bottom of the VS front spar. I'm a plans following monkey.
Clamping the front VS spar bracket in place.
Drilled, countersunk and riveted the aft tiedown bracket.
Countersunk the top two aft skin holes so I can rivet this someday.
Clamping the elevator stop in position - I needed to trim a bit off of the longerons so the VS would be able to sit flush with the bulkhead and this stop.
Pilot drilled the front VS bracket.
Damn - it kinda looks like an airplane.
After lots of measuring I'm ready to drill the bottom four bolt holes for the VS.
Also after centering the VS on the offset front bracket, I could drill the holes for the rivets. I was only able to reach seven holes while on the fuse. The others will have to be drilled later.
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