Kevin's stale homepage

(Alas, this is the only picture I have
of myself...)
NOTE: My old pages on have gotten toasted - however, virtually all of those pages are duplicated here. If you replace with then you should be happy.
I'm a geek in sillicon valley, and I suppose you probably found this
woefully out of date page at random. If you found it because you recently
read "Nudist on the Late Shift" please see my errata
I like tricky software, some dancin, flyin.
I do have a fairly out of date resume online.
I received my undergraduate education at the University
of Texas at Austin. I was
(and still am) very into co-op
housing. Until recently I lived with a bunch of geeks at a house
which has many visitors.
I suppose I should describe what things I like to do:
I have a number of technical hacks in
my queue.
I've designed a fair amount of the M2 video game. Much of the M2 work was
done by a kernel cohort: Tim.
Although I like flying, I sold my Piper
Colt (also owned by Max,
Bill, and Bart).
I'm building an RV7A airplane. I'm having a blast with riveting. At one point in the past I built a pretty
good portion of a composite plane, but developed a nasty epoxy alergy. If you are curious I've kept that
old buildlog around.
I volunteer by teaching
tykes stuff.
I'm working towards a glider
I assisted with the creation of a Cyberball
coffee table.
Some of these folks even have net lives:
Becky - My wife and love of my life.
Max - My honorary brother. ;-)
RJ Mical - A good friend since 3DO
Brett (actually, he is a sibling)
Oh yeah, we also have a cat named Spotty. I let Tribble cheat with the neighbors and they adopted him.
If I really had my life together then I'd have my hotlist or someother dang thang here - but I don't.
I gather that it is traditional to provide this magic email link: